Kamis, 26 Januari 2017


ASEAN Comparative Education Research Network Conference (ACER-N-UKM), KWSP Malaysia 7-8 Oct 2015

Dr. M.Ihsan Dacholfany, M.Ed,
UM Metro / STAIN Jurai Siwo Indonesia,
Hp. +62 81213022488

This paper examines the education is a very important issue in anticipation of the future because education is always oriented to the learner to play a role in the future. Thus the object of study on the need for teacher professional and character because of that success or failure of an education strongly influenced by educators or teachers. A teacher should have a personality that is noble, exemplary, honest, wise, authoritative, responsible, and have a soul sincerity to strive to build and enhance the quality of human resources through the glorious mandated tasks. The methodology of this paper is a qualitative study which is a study involving a review (survey) which aims to determine the orientation and character of professional teachers and teaching methods of teachers in schools. expectations or results of this study are able to make not only a skillful teacher is able to teach, but he was also able to teach and educate properly. Teachers not only able present  science, but he also was able to guide and teach the values ​​that are needed to face the future. Teachers whose character is not only have the intellectual ability but also has the ability to be emotionally and spiritually so that the teacher is able to open the eyes of the heart learners to learn, and be able to live well in society. Character  teachers with strong and intelligent, is expected to carry out the mandate of educating learners so that the hopes and ideals of the nation, parent and can be achieved with good.
Keywords: Teacher, Professional, characterless

A.      Intruduction,.  
A good teacher or educator must have the professional nature and has a character in implementing a holistic education that is centered on the potential and the needs of learners so as to prepare learners to be able to get the opportunities and progress of the world with the development of science and technology. On the other hand, education should also be able to open the eyes of the heart learners to be able to see the problems of the nation and the world, such as poverty, hunger, inequality, injustice, and environmental issues hidup.Need a teacher with strong character and intelligent.
Teachers with strong character. He was not only able to teach, but he is also able to educate. He was not only able to transfer the knowledge but he is also able to instill the values ​​necessary to wade through life. Intelligent teacher. He not only has the intellectual ability but also has the ability to be emotionally and spiritually so that teachers are able to open the eyes of the heart learners to learn, and be able to live well in society. A teacher with strong character and intelligent, is expected to carry out the mandate in educating learners. Teachers must have the key competencies that should be attached to that teacher keamanahan values, ideals, and is able to perform a pedagogical approach and be able to think and act intelligently.
Urrent condition of majority of teachers. Said to be complete when discussing teacher education has not been talked about, because figure this one decisive reciprocation of education. In conditions however remain important teacher, because the teacher's role is not entirely replaced sets include technology. However sophisticated computers, remains ignorant than the teacher, because the computer can not be imitated, even if its use can be misleading without any control. This control function is precisely what position the figure of the teacher remains important.Nevertheless, we must have criteria about teachers, because in reality, not all teachers are important, even many teachers are misleading and future development of the nation.
               Educator (teacher) is a vital and fundamental component in the educational process, which emphasizes      mental maturation process, the mindset and the formation and development of characters (character building) nation to realize the complete Indonesian man. The existence and the role of educators in the learning process can not be replaced by anyone and anything. Educators reliable, professional and highly competitive, and has a strong character and smart is the basic capital in achieving quality education that is able to print human resources character, intelligent and moral. Human resources so that actually needed by Indonesia to be able to compete with other countries and be able to participate actively in the development of the world in the global era and is free almost without limit.

B.     Background
Background in writing this paper is expected to add insight and knowledge to the reader on how to be a professional teacher and have good character. This is due to the teachers who are not in line with expectations and desires by educational institutions in particular and the country in general to improve the quality of education in order to advance the dignity of a nation. This makes educational institutions remained stagnant, even impressed retreat. because teachers have not reflected themselves as professional teachers and good character in educating students. This ni evidenced by the low intellectual capacity of teachers, discipline is weak, has no desire to move forward, moral integrity is often distorted, and low social dedication then this article will explain how. a. Principles and highly influential role as a teacher and Character Professionals, b.strategi become professional teachers and character Well, c. Characteristics of effective teachers in Pengajaran.d. the characteristics of a good teacher. previous studies about research on certification and professional competence of teachers in improving student achievement and motivation has been performed by several researchers. As Sudarman explained that the work was intended to provide an explanation of the positive responses and negative responses elementary school teachers in the district Jiwan toward teacher certification program and obtain findings that can explain the perception of elementary school teachers in the district Jiwan to teacher certification. The study was designed and analyzed qualitatively or postpositivistik that is based on the philosophy postpositivisme. Positive responses are (1) of Law No. 14 Year 2005 is the legal basis to improve the quality of teachers, (2) academic qualification Bachelor / D IV for the teacher is in conformity with the demands of time and the development of science and technology, (3) Teachers are required to have four basic competencies, (4) the certification of the model portfolio very beneficial for teachers, (5) believed the teacher profession allowance will be realized. Teacher negative responses are (1) of Law No. 14 In 2005 only a promise that is difficult to be realized, (2) teachers do not have to qualify Bachelor / D-IV, (3) the certification of the model portfolio is less socialization, (4) support the teaching profession will not be realized. In his research Sudarman obtain findings relating to the certification of teachers, among others: (1) Teachers are less confident to achieve a minimum score set by the government, (2) there are teachers who are unscrupulous less well in completing the document, (3) the determination of certification participants portfolios are still not in accordance with the applicable rules.
Dian Maya Shofiana explain the results of his research that there are significant and strong link between professional teachers in the field of study of jurisprudence to increase student achievement in Junior high school Al-Jamii.ah Tegallega Cidolog Sukabumi. More than 50% of student achievement indicated by the professional contribution of teachers. In other words, in the study that the achievement of students in Junior high school Al-Jamii.ah determined or influenced by the professional level of teachers as much as fifty percent (50%), and other factors such as infrastructure, facilities, and curriculum development as much effect on student achievement 50%. Position of the study was to analyze statistically the influence of professional teacher with student achievement. From the results of the above study presented very visible that Master indispensable factor and the key to the improvement of student achievement when compared with the completeness and adequate facilities, and curricula have often become scapegoats failure to increase educational achievement in Indonesia.
Sudarman as research and Dian above, Arif Sulistiyo Hadi also examines the professional development of teachers in improving student achievement Islam in Junior high school Ketanggung country districts Sine Ngawi from these studies indicate that the Islamic religion teachers met the requirements for a professional teacher as mean Average Degree and teachers have been given greater autonomy of the madrasas to manage and control the educational process in learning activities, as well as actively participate in extracurricular activities at the school, such as: Literacy quran (BTQ), Hadrah, Public Speaking, and active in Warning big day Islam (PHBI). Efforts professional development of teachers that has been done through: guidance and supervision of the Islamic religion teachers, improving teachers' welfare, to include Islamic teacher in scientific activities, enable the Islamic religion teachers in the Subject Teacher deliberation (MGMP), motivating Islamic religion teachers for schools (learn). Ari also explain the factors that hinder the process of professional development of teachers of Islam, which is divided into two, namely, first: the inhibiting factors of madrasas, among other factors to the lack of facilities, lack of financial, Second: the inhibiting factors of teachers, among others: the weakness of creativity teachers, low teacher morale.
Based on the above description shows that teacher professional development is the right way to improve student achievement. Because the teachers are certified and professional learning process can be improved by delegating, coaching teachers and activation.In line with the performance of the professional development of teachers, Arif A. Ferdowsi in his thesis explains that most of the professional teacher performance (ter-certificate) educators in terms of standards of competence of teachers is in either category, in terms of professional teachers who have run into four competence according to ability and applicable standards. But there is a small part of professional teacher (certificate educators) on the implementation of learning less in accordance with the competence to be achieved by students. The issues relating to the competency of teachers itself is still low. Arif Firdaus explained there are teachers who are still difficulties in giving explanation on certain subjects that can not reach the target learning outcomes.Of the three studies above demonstrate that professional competence is very influential on student achievement. Between research with each other and mutually enhance complementary in achieving a goal.
Dian maya, Arif Arif sulistiyo and Ferdowsi explained that more than 50% success student achievement is influenced by professional teachers and teachers who are professional (certified) can carry out its competence in accordance with established standards, both professional competence, pedagogical, personal, and social. In conclusion of the above studies, that many innovations done by the certified educators and professionals to improve student achievement. However, the diversity of materials, the development of student achievement, human resource capacity of teachers, school culture and so on from the above results still seems to be in need of improvement, because there is no more specific study that attempts certified teachers in improving student achievement. Such efforts not only on the ability of professional teachers but also the students actively involved in the learning process to achieve performance.In addition, research that specifically take focused effort material certified teachers in improving student achievement, until now researchers have not been able to identify (find). Based on this argument, the authors were interested to study more about the efforts of certified teachers in improving student achievement. This is important given the efforts that have been certified teacher has its own characteristics very different to what the researchers studied previously.

C.    Purpose / Objectives
Study objective to be achieved through this study is
1.       To Know for sure about the principle that a very influential role in professional teachers and Characterless.
2.       To Know for sure about the Strategy to Become professional teachers and good character
3.       To Know for sure about  Competence of teachers in teaching
4.       To Know for sure about  Characteristics of effective teachers in Teaching.
5.       To Know for sure about  Characteristics of a Good teacher.
D.    Methodology
The methodology of this paper is a qualitative study which is a study involving a review (survey) which aims to determine the orientation and character of professional teachers and teaching methods of teachers in schools.
E.     Adaptive Assessment / Finding
Teachers not only able present  science, but he also was able to guide and teach the values ​​that are needed to face the future. Teachers whose character is not only have the intellectual ability but also has the ability to be emotionally and spiritually so that the teacher is able to open the eyes of the heart learners to learn, and be able to live well in society
F.     Discussion
1.Principles that are very influential role in teachers Profesional and Characterless.
The term "professional" came from the adjective profession (job) which means being able to do the job. Professionals are more directed to the person who is able to assume office or duty to meet the requirements of which are characterized as a profession. Also described in the Webster's New World Dictionary that professional is defined as a more specialized work for pay or as a means of livelihood. So that professional competence is defined as ability in the control integrated with the academic and teaching ability as well so that teachers have the academic authority (Piet A. Sahertian, 1994:27)
As for the term character, according Zuhairin (1995: 98) is character word comes from the Latin "kharakter", "kharassein", "kharax", in English: character and Indonesia "character", the Greek character, of charasseinyang means making sharp, making the inside. In the dictionary Poerwadaminta, character is defined as a character, character, psychological traits, morals and manners that distinguish one person with another person.
While Imam Ghazali considers that the characters closer to morals, that human spontaneity in the act, or acts that have been fused in man so that when it appears no need to think again. Hermawan Kertajaya, defines character as "characteristic" which is owned by an object or individual (Masnur Muslih, 2011:97)
The teacher is a figure surrogate parent for children in schools, which provide a great share in their growth and development. Teachers will provide protection, teaching and new habits that mendukung. Menurut Covey (1997: 35) there are four principles that are very influential role in teachers in the development of children, namely:
  1. Modelling (Example of trustworthness). Guru is an example or model for children. There is no denying that the example of teachers have a very strong influence for the child, so Schweitz said that there are three principles in developing the child yeitu first instance, second instance and third instance. Teachers are models for both positive and negative, and helped provide a pattern for the way of life of children. Through this modeling will help teachers pass on his way of thinking to the child, therefore, the role modeling is a very fundamental. Through modeling child will also learn about a proactive attitude, an attitude of respect and affection.
  2. Mentoring is the ability to establish or build relationships, emotional investment or the provision of protection to others in depth, honest, personal and unconditional. Teachers at the school became the first source for the development of the child's feelings: a sense of security or insecurity, loved or hated. There are five ways to give love to others: (1) empathiing is listening to the hearts of others with his own heart; (2) sharing is sharing insights, emotions and beliefs; (3) affirming is providing firmness / reinforcement to others through trust, judgment, confirmation, appreciation and encouragement; (4) other people praying pray sincerely from the heart of the deepest and (5) are sacrificing sacrifices for others.
  3. Oganazing that school requires teamwork and cooperation among members in fulfilling the duties or needs of the school and the important things.
  4. Teaching. Teachers act as teachers for the children of the fundamental laws of life. Through this teaching, teachers also create concious competence in children yaiitu children have about what they do and why they do it.

2. Strategy to become professional teachers and good character

Do professorship can be termed as a professional  ?. Basically the teaching profession is a profession that is growing. Although some have argued that the teacher is a semi-professional positions, but actually more than that. Professionalization effort is unnecessary negotiable because of its unique teaching profession. The teaching profession should have various competencies such as professional competence, personal, and social. A person is considered professional if it is able to do its job by always sticking to the work ethic, independent (free from external pressures), fast (productive), right (effective), efficient and innovative, and are based on principles that are based on the excellent service unsur- elements of knowledge or a systematic theory, professional authority, public recognition and regulatory code of conduct. Knowledge development can be done through forums professional meetings, training or development efforts and learn independently.
In line with the above, a teacher must continue to improve professionalism through a variety of activities that can develop the ability to manage learning and other capabilities in an effort to make the learners have learning skills, including skills in acquiring knowledge (learning to know), skills in the development of identity (learning to be), skill in execution of certain tasks (learning to do), and the skills to be able to coexist with each other in harmony (learning to live together). Departing from the meaning and the requirements of the profession, as described in the previous section, then in the context of teacher professional development on an ongoing basis can be done with a variety of strategies, among others:
  1. Participating in training or in servie training.

Form of training which focuses on specific skills needed by teachers to perform their duties effectively. This training is suitable carried out on one form of training pre-service or in-service. This training model is different from conventional training approach, because the emphasis is more on the evaluation of the real performance of the specific competence of the trainees.

  1. Reading and writing journals or other scientific papers.

By reading and understanding the many journals or other scientific papers in the field of education related to the teaching profession, the teachers themselves can develop his professionalism. Furthermore, to be able to contribute to others, the teacher can do in the form of writing articles / papers of scientific papers that are beneficial to the teacher professional development and others.

  1. Participate in the activities of scientific meetings.

Scientific meetings provide important means to keep current (up to date) matters relating to the teaching profession. The main objective of the activities of scientific meetings is to present a variety of information and the latest innovation in a particular field. Teacher participation in these activities will provide a valuable contribution in building the professionalism of teachers in carrying out their responsibilities.

d.     Conduct research .

Classroom action research is a systematic study of the teachers through cooperation or not with other teachers in order to reflect and at the same time improving the practice of continuous learning is also an appropriate strategy to improve the professionalism of teachers. Various studies reflective teachers are being made to improve the stability of the rational, deepen understanding of the actions carried out in performing their duties, and improve the conditions in which learning takes practice would be useful as educational innovation. In this case the teacher is empowered to take initiatives independently with professional aplomb. If this process continues over time, it will have an impact on improving the professionalism of teachers.

  1. Participation in organizations / professional community.

Participate and become members of a professional society together will increase the professionalism of teachers. Professional organizations will typically serve its members to develop and maintain professionalism by building a close relationship with the community. In this case the most important thing is the teacher should be good at choosing a form of professional organization that can provide benefits intact for himself through that investment of time and energy. Choose wisely organization that can provide opportunities for teachers to improve professionalism.

  1. Cooperation with other professionals in schools.

One tends to think of the exit to get help or information would be easier if the leading edge communicating with people in the same workplace. The meeting formally or informally to discuss issues or educational problems including cooperation of various other activities (eg planning, implementing, and evaluating school programs) with the principal, the parents of learners (school committee), teachers and other staff professionals can helping teachers in updating pengetahuannnya. Participate in various activities that can keep the activity of the mind and open horizons which allow teachers to continue to obtain the information it needs and at the same time make plans to get it. Prolehan getting teachers involved in the information, the more teachers feel accountable, and more teachers feel accountable, then he is more motivated to develop themselves.

3.        Competence of teachers in teaching
The teacher must have some core competencies in performing the learning process of character education.
a.       Competence is the competence of personality, a teacher whose good personality, manners, and to develop good character as seoarang teachers. Character education requires teachers who can provide immediate value that can be emulated by the students. Not quite the opposite, the teacher gives an example of the impact is less persuasive students' character and personality. As most teachers oriented metropolitan city of kemateri. Demanding greater benefits but not matched by the quality and professionalism in implementing the learning. National test results show that the results of the graduation high school students in Jakarta decreased when compared with the previous year. Though the salaries and allowances of teachers in Jakarta is the highest figure than in other areas in Indonesia. It shows the character of the teacher in question.
b.      Competence to interact and communicate. Teachers managed to build a good relationship with the students without losing the manners between teacher and pupil. It is the duty of teachers to establish a harmonious relationship with their students. Persuasive approaches to increase motivation in learning. Able to provide teaching and learning concepts that are not pressed and forced on students. And provide appropriate sanctions and constructive if students make mistakes. And the most urgent is no legitimacy for teachers to carry out violence against any student alasanya both physical and psychological violence.
c.       Competence of guidance and counseling. In theory tabularasa student is described as a white paper that is still clean, which will be filled with records of life. Therefore, teachers must always provide guidance in filling this clean white paper. Students will always need guidance from others in living kehidupanya increasingly complex.

4.    Characteristics of effective teachers in Teaching.
Teaching is not an easy thing to do a teacher.The activity is basically a form of academic activity communication interactions between educators and learners (Suhardan, 2006; 26). In the teaching needed a teacher who really professional, professional teacher is a person who has the ability and special skills in the field of teacher training so that he is able to perform its duties and functions as a teacher with a maximum capability, in which a teacher is not only required to be able to teach it, and also master classes, but away from the teacher must have the knowledge and skills much, so as to convey the science that teaches participants students (Nasution, 2010)
Characteristics of effective teachers in teaching will appear in a learning situation that diciptakannnya. The learning situation is shown in the following matters:
a.       Flexibility in teaching
b.      Empathy and sensitivity to all the needs of students
c.        Ability to teach according to the tastes of students
d.       The willingness to give confirmation (reinforcement)
e.       Willingness provide convenience, warmth and a way of teaching that is not stiff.
f.       The ability to adjust emotions, confidence, and there is joy in teaching.

5.        Characteristics of a Good teacher.
Experts and scholars of Islam have established several characteristics of good teacher. These characteristics according to E .Mulyasa (2007, 27) are as follows:
a.         Sincere ( Ikhlas ) in Carry out duties as an Instructor.
A teacher must have a philosophy of life that these duties are part of worship. Certainly a God worship will not be accepted if not accompanied with sincerity. Very much difference between a sincere and pious teacher with a master hypocrite. A student can usually be accomplished because of the sincerity and piety teacher. It has been guaranteed by God in His word the following: "Let you be the ones who Rabbani (the perfect knowledge and virtue of piety to Allah), because you always teach you the Book and caused you still learn," (Surah Ali Imran : 79).
b.        Holding Commission in Delivering Science

For a teacher, knowledge is a mandate from God that must be delivered to their students with without being reduced. He also must submit it as best and as perfect as possible. If there is a teacher withhold or conceal their knowledge, then it means that they have betrayed the mandate given him by God. Generally Allah has commanded to convey the message (to the beneficiary), including the mandate of science. Allah SWT. said, "Verily God told you to convey the message to those who deserve it, and (told you) if it establishes the law among men that you assign to the fair (Surah An-Nisa 58).

c.         Has competence in science. Has become imperative for a duty bearers as a teacher to have the sufficient mastery over science will he teach. He also can use the means of support in conveying knowledge. Allah ordered everyone to complete its work in accordance with his desired. The character is based on the words of the Prophet. follows: "Allah loves one of you that when the work he completed his work (well)," (Reported by al-Bayhaqi). Mentioned global 21st century is the century. This period is characterized by rapidly changing people's lives because the world is getting together. So in this era of professionalism is absolutely necessary, especially in the global world takes precedence on the mastery of skills and abilities and is full of competition. Globalization is changing the nature of work of amateurism leads to professionalism.

d.        Being a good role model for their students.

A student must always look at the teacher. For him, a teacher is an example of morals and behave, just as he took the knowledge from her. Therefore, a teacher of great influence in shaping the personality of a student. Prophet himself can influence the general public when it was only with his exemplary good. No wonder that at that time many Arabs who converted to Islam in a gang. About the exemplary significance of this, the Qur'an describes in the words of Allah. the following: "Ye have indeed in (self) Messenger was good example for you (that) for people who expect (grace) of God, the Last Day (of Judgment), and Allah much" (Surat al-Ahzab: 21). Theoretically be an example an integral part of a teacher to be a teacher means accepting responsibility to be an example, does every profession has special demands and hence when refusing to deny his profession. Here are a few things related to attitudes in seharai-day life that must be considered for a teacher: attitude, style of speech, work habits, clothing, human relations, .serta general lifestyle. With respect to some of the things expected of a teacher is really worthy of being role models, both within the school and in the community. As individuals who are involved in the education of teachers should reflect an educator, one phrase that is always attached to a teacher is a teacher could digugu and imitated. Digugu meaning conveyed messages that teachers could be trusted to be implemented and the pattern of his life can be replicated.
e.         Know the child's development.

By knowing the extent of child development teacher can give guidance to his protege appropriately according to age. In this case the teacher must know the psychological development of learners that phases of development based on age include cognitive development, emotional and so on.

f.           Loved his students

As to the question submitted by the United Nations in the field of education UNESCO good teacher. Then there was one statement on the matter delivered by Le Nhu Anh. He was a pupil of Vietnam expressed that it was nice if you, O teacher to sing and play along with us treated us equally and understand the feelings, aspirations and our mood. In the same vein Fatoumata write a good teacher would treat her students like her own child. The statement is based on a requirement for a teacher is dear to the students, because with such attitudes will be established a good relationship between teachers and students, not only in the classroom but also in social life.

g.        Do the best.

A good teacher will always seek to do what is best for the students, do the best for the people around him. Good teachers will always develop themselves and to align themselves with the development of science and technology. To do that the teachers should be active not only teach, but also active in every kegiata-smelling educational activities. Especially now that the teachers do not actively increase knowledge, insight and skills he will miss. In short-image as a teacher will be reduced.
In the world of teacher education has always been a central figure in advancing education. He has contributed greatly to the success of the educational process. Heavy responsibility that must be shouldered by the teacher if being he realized with his profession as a teacher. Teachers are not only expected to teach in front keas smart, but also had a stake in society. Teachers are expected to produce a quality educates students so that they can give birth to a generation that resilient in the face of increasingly complex challenges of our time.

                 Being an ideal teacher and innovative professionalism and noble character is the hope of all the teachers in this beloved country. Teachers are able to guide and encourage their students so that they can achieve the quality of the national and international level. Improved quality and competence in the mastery of the material, teaching methodology, and mastery of information is a prerequisite to reach the goals above.Not all teachers in this country are capable of doing the above ideal. There are a lot of constraints, ranging from lack of funds, advanced age, and a flurry of other reasons that make teachers are not able to fulfill the ideals of magnitude, moreover must meet the requirements that are required to state, in this case, certification and stratification Strata 1.
However, for young teachers in particular, there is no reason to make them retreat, look and heading back., Because the future, existing challenges and opportunities ahead. If you do not dare to face the challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the future, then someone else will pick it up. Life is a competition, so whoever dare not compete then naturally, then naturally iaakan excluded and marginalized in the current era of enormous changes in the productivity of science and modern technology.In this context, the development of competence in accordance with the field of expertise is a necessity. One goal many ways. That is, to develop the competence and potential of how manifold. If the cost of a constraint, so that did not go to college, there are a thousand other ways that bias adopted to improve the competency, for example, with a lot of reading, writing, active in the seminar, discussion, book, symposia, conferences, organizations, and other scientific activities. The role of teachers in helping the process of internalization of positive values ​​to and within the students can not be replaced by any sophisticated educational media. This is because the character education requires an exemplary life (living model) that can only be found in the person of the teacher. Without the role of teachers, educational character will never work properly. but most important of all of the above that the method is more important than the subject matter, the teacher is more important than the method, and the soul of the teacher is more important than the teachers themselves (M.Ihsan Dacholfany, 2014: 53)
In closing, the authors quote Dorothy Law 1972: 47) Nolte expression that gives aphorisms for educators as follows:
Ø  If children live with criticism, then he learned the curse.
Ø  If children live with hostility, he learned to fight.
Ø  If children live with insults, then he learned sorry for ourselves.
Ø  If children live with encouragement, He learns confidence.
Ø  If children live with tolerance, He learns to trust.
Ø  If children live with the best of treatment, then he learns justice.
Ø  If children live with love and friendship, then he will find love in life.
Ø  That child always learn in life.

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