Senin, 06 Februari 2017

The Leadership and Teacher Performance and Significant Positive Effect on the Quality of Learning in SMK Negeri Se-Kabupaten Tulang Bawang

M. Ihsan Dacholfany*[1], Asroh*[2]



Quality of learning is the result of a teacher's performance, improving the quality of learning is influenced by factors of the performance of teachers and school leadership. The purpose of this study was to analyze: (1) The impact of school leadership on the quality of learning, (2) The influence of the teacher's performance against the quality of learning, and (3) The impact of school leadership and teacher performance against the quality of learning.Population as many as 151 samples used by 60 respondents us take of Slovin. Date collection with questionnaires and using regression as a tool for research. The analysis results obtained in this study as follows: (1) there is a positive and significant impact on the quality of school leadership learning in SMA Se-Tulang Bawang. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + -0.303 X1. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the leadership of the principal on the quality of learning, so any change in the leadership of the principal variable score of 3.4%, (2) There is a positive and significant impact on the quality of the learning performance of teachers in vocational Sekabupaten Bone Onions. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 56.507 + 0.413 X2. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the performance of teachers to the quality of learning, so any changes to teacher performance variable score sebesar12,3%, and 3) There is a positive and significant effect of school leadership and teacher performance together against the quality of learning. Results of this study indicate that the better the performance of the principal and teacher performance, the better the contribution to the quality of learning. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0303 X1 + 0,433 X2. With a significance of 13.4%.Conclusions from this research is the perception of teachers on school leadership and teacher performance and significant positive effect on the quality of learning in SMA Lampung Tengah.

Keywords: Leadership Principal, Teacher Performance, and the Quality of Learning.

National development through education is a way of educating the nation and improves the quality of Indonesian human in realizing advanced society, just and prosperous. The purpose of National Education intends to conduct national education development with the government to make regulations on the institute of National Education Standards as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards is a translation of the Law No. 20 Year 2003 About the National Education System. As stated in the general provisions of Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 Article 1, on National Education Standards are the minimum criteria regarding the educational system throughout the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia? National Education Standards has a function as a basis for planning, implementation and monitoring of education in order to realize the national education quality and qualified.
Process and learning outcomes of students who qualified teachers would require maximum performance. So that teachers can show high performance, not least the teacher must have a mastery of the material what to teach and how to teach so that learning can take place effectively and efficiently as well as a commitment to carry out these tasks. Based on renewal business and improve the quality of learning is getting stronger by using a legal umbrella Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003. Education is an essential need for every human being, country or government during the reform era. As importantly, education must always is grown systematically by policy makers or actors of education.
School principals play an important role in education, in schools given the responsibility to conduct a full management of the arrangement the wheels of school education. The main role of the principal is a leader who controls the nets, provision of education where education itself functions essentially as a transformation that transforms inputs into outputs.
Enhancing the quality of teaching, the school principal should be responsible for the smooth running and the learning process quality. The school principal is one of the most educational component plays a role in improving the quality of education. Various important and strategic efforts are scheduled to optimize the performance of school principals is highly dependent on the willingness and determination principals to make himself as a successful leader with optimal performance. A leader not only managed to reach the tops of the leadership, but also can lead the school community and especially the learners have made achievements beyond himself. Guru is a major factor in the educational process.
Guru is one of the critical components for the implementation of the educational process, where teachers are the main actors as facilitators of student learning process organizer. Therefore, the performance of teachers relates to the national education program. Teachers as a factor determining the quality of learning. Because teachers are dealing directly with the learners in the learning process in the classroom. In the hands of teacher quality of their personality is formed. Therefore, it should be a teacher competent, responsibility, skilled, and dedicated.
Teacher performance while not optimal, teachers perform their duties just as a normal routine, lacking in creativity. Innovation for teachers relatively closed and creativity are not part of the achievement. If there are teachers develop their creativity, the teachers tend to be judged a waste of time. The results of teacher training in the various fields of study have not demonstrated their power is different compared with the performance of teachers. Here are the results mean achievement that can be obtained from the State Vocational High School Se-Tulang Bawang.

Tabel 1 Data Nilai Ujian Nasional Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014  dan  2014/2015
Bhs indonesia
Bhs inggris

Source: Department of Education National Exam Results SMK Se-Tulang Bawang

 The above facts are very alarming, it is the result of the teacher's performance, should the value of which must be achieved by students in achieving the national graduation standard is 5.50, and students of SMK Se-Tulang Bawang, still far from passing standards. Teachers do not contribute to improving the quality of education, are in fact quite the opposite. The above conditions seems to have become a culture and tradition of the environment of educational institutions and does not cover the possibility of the middle school Vocational Paramarta Se-Tulang Bawang, one indication which shows the low quality of teaching is the fact the field is based on the observation of the author on May 5, 2015, Visible of the average value of National Examination which is still far from the National Education Standards.
This study was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach kind of regression, a study to determine the effect of variables that are grouped into two groups: the independent variables and the dependent variable. According Arikunto (2013: 313) regression study is intended to determine whether there is influence between two or more variables. Research for the study will be able to predict the influence of independent variables with the dependent variable.

Many experts have argued about the quality, as the opinion Tjiptono and Diana (2003: 3) states the quality (quality) is the ever-changing conditions, which include efforts to meet / exceed expectations of the customer, including products, services, people, processes and the environment. In the opinion of Good (in Arifin, 2014: 38-39) The basic concept of education that covers the following aspects: 1) the development of skills in the form of a person's attitudes and behavior that apply in the community, and 2) social processes when a person is affected by an environment who guided (school), so that he can achieve social skills and develop personal. The quality of education as one of the pillars of human resources development, a very important meaning for national development. Quality education will only appear if there are quality schools. Therefore, efforts to improve school quality is a strategic point in the effort to create a quality education. In the National Education Minister Regulation No. 63 Year 2009 concerning the quality assurance systems of education Article (1) of paragraph (1), gives the sense that the quality of education is the level of intelligence of the nation's life that can be achieved from the implementation of the National Education System. Based on the description above, we can conclude the concept of the quality of education can be concluded that changing something into something else by integrating the input of the school so as to create a situation fun learning (enjoy-able learning), able to encourage motivation and interest in learning, and really able to empower learners. Output education is a school performance that can be measured by the quality, effectiveness, productivity, efficiency, innovation, and morale.
Many experts have argued about the quality, as the opinion Tjiptono and Diana Based on all the foregoing, it can be concluded the quality of teaching is the ability of educational institutions (teachers and principals) in organizing and managing learning resources efficiently in order to improve the learning ability of students, with the following indicators: 1) the quality of the input active learning, creative, effective and fun, 2) the quality of the learning process, the interaction, creativity, and varied, and 3) quality of academic study, daily activities and independence of learners.
In his opinion Mulyasa (2004: 25) argues "The principal is one component of educational influence in improving teacher performance". The school principal is responsible for the organization of education, school administration, coaching other education personnel, and efficient utilization and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. This becomes more important in line with the increasingly complex demands of the principal task, which requires the support of performance more effective and efficient. Similarly, in the opinion of Wirawan (2014: 549) the principal is a school leader and manager of the school or school administrator (School manager or school administrator), which functions as the principal. So principals full authority to bring the school to be better or it could be otherwise.
In his opinion Mulyasa (2004: 25) argues "The principal is one component of educational influence in improving teacher performance". The school principal is responsible for the organization of education, school administration, coaching other education personnel, and efficient utilization and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. This becomes more important in line with the increasingly complex demands of the principal task, which requires the support of performance more effective and efficient. Similarly, in the opinion of Wirawan (2014: 549) the principal is a school leader and manager of the school or school administrator (School manager or school administrator), which functions as the principal. So principals full authority to bring the school to be better or it could be otherwise.
The kind of leadership in terms of the source and of the characteristic features according to Hasibuan (2012: 170) the kinds of leadership include: 1) an authoritarian leadership, 2) participative leadership, and 3) leadership discretionary. A leader has a style and flair that is different this will provide operational impact on an organization (school). While leaders of functions in the opinion of Mulyasa (2013: 98-122) function principals as leaders are as follows: a) The head of the school as an educator (builder mental, moral, physical, and architects), b) The principal as a manager, c) The head of the school as an administrator, d) principal as supervisor, e) the principal as leader, f) of the principal as an innovator, and g) of the principal as a motivator.
As head of the school will determine whether the poor quality of education that leads, if the principal professional then the quality of teaching will be qualified and vice versa if the competence of lower school head will affect the success in school learning tersebut.Berdasarkan above description it can be concluded that the principal's leadership in this research is a way and business principals in influencing, encouraging, guiding, directing and mengerakan teachers, and staff, students, parents and all other parties concerned to cooperate and participate in order to achieve the goal of education in schools has been established. The indicators to measure the principal's leadership is shown by the compensation owned by the principal, in particular: 1) Having a strong personality 2) understand the condition of men with either 3) has a vision and understand the mission of the school 4) The ability to make decisions, and 5) The ability of the good communication.
Based on the above it can be concluded that the principal's leadership in this research is a way and business principals in influencing, encouraging, guiding, directing and mengerakan teachers, and staff, students, parents and all other parties related to cooperate and participate to achieve the goal of education in schools that have been set. The indicators to measure the principal's leadership is shown by the compensation owned by the principal, in particular: 1) Having a strong personality 2) understand the condition of men with either 3) has a vision and understand the mission of the school 4) The ability to make decisions, and 5) The ability of the good communication.
In the opinion of Supardi (2013: 45) performance is an activity undertaken to implement, complete tasks and responsibilities as expected and intended purpose. Derived from the word has three meanings performance achievements, performances, and execution of tasks. The ability and authority of teachers in carrying out the teaching profession, with all its capabilities, in line with this notion of performance.
In the opinion of the Supreme (2014: 41) the teacher is the designer or the designer of learning associated with pedagogical competencies that should be able to design well. Lesson plan should begin by making sure that a lesson plan suitable for the program or lesson plan that aka implemented.
Teachers are educators menpunyai role as spearhead the transformation of assessing the knowledge and assess the attitude and education goals to pesrta students because teachers directly involved in the learning process or the duties can be said that teachers as a major component in the learning process. Notch teachers occupy vital positions in improving the quality of learning. In this context, the quality of education depends on the quality of teachers, which consequently teachers are required to play an active role in positioning themselves as professionals in accordance with the demands of a growing community.
Law number 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 39 paragraph 2 states that educators are professionals in charge of planning and implementing the learning process, as well as conduct research and dedication to the community, especially for students and colleges. Article 40 paragraph 2 letter b, stated also that educators have an obligation to have a professional commitment to improve the quality of education. Similar to the above, the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, Article 1 states that the teachers are professional educators with the task of educating, teaching, membibing, direct, train, assess and evaluate students on age children early in formal education, primary and secondary education. In the opinion of Sanjaya (2006: 21-32) the role of teachers in learning include: a) as a source of learning, b) as a facilitator, c) as a manager, d) as a demonstrator, e) as a guide, f) as a motivator, and g) as an evaluator and penetu success of learners.
So important is the role of the teacher in the learning, which facilitate human technological prowess to get information and knowledge can not replace the role of the teacher. From the above description, the teacher's shoulders lies the responsibility is very complex. it can be seen from the function and role of the teacher as a facilitator and director of the study. As a facilitator, a teacher must be able to facilitate the learning needs of students with and interest. Meanwhile, as the director of learning, the teacher serves to direct the learning activities of students towards the achievement of learning goals that have been set
Based on some of the theories above it can be concluded that the performance of teachers is the ability and authority of teachers in carrying out the teaching profession, with all its capabilities, the following indicators: 1) create a learning plan, 2) implementing the learning, 3) assess learners' achievements, and 4) carry out follow-up results of learning achievement.

3.     STUDY
a.     Influence Leadership Principal (X1) on the Quality of Learning (ICT)
There is a positive and significant impact of school leadership (X1) on the quality of learning in high school Paramarta Se-Tulang Bawang (Y). This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0.303 X1. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the leadership of the principal (X1) with the quality of learning (Y) is measured with an instrument developed in this study, so any change variable score principal leadership of the unit can be estimated score of the quality of teaching will change by 0181 units in the same direction. From the calculation of the correlation between the variables of school leadership (X1) with the quality of learning (Y) is quite good that is equal to 0.284. This shows the variables X1 and Y have a meaningful relationship. Empirically, the results of research inform that principal leadership that reflected a significant and positive effect on the quality of learning. Leadership of the principal amount of influence on the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang, amounted to 3.4%. The results of this study indicate that the better school leadership will be followed by the increasing changes in the quality of learning.

b.     Influence of Teacher Performance (X2) Against Against Quality of Learning (ICT)
There is a positive and significant impact the performance of teachers (X2) on the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang (Y). This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 56.507 + 0.413 X2. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the performance of teachers (X1) with the quality of learning (Y) is measured with an instrument developed in this study, so any change variable score teacher performance of the unit can be estimated score of the quality of teaching will be unchanged at 2,621 units in the direction the same one. Calculation of correlation between teacher performance variable (X2) with the quality of learning (Y) relatively low at 0.325, shows the variables X1 and Y have a meaningful relationship. Empirically, the results of research inform that teacher performance reflected significant influence and positive impact on the quality of learning. The amount of influence the performance of teachers to the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang, was 12.3%. The results of this study indicate that the better teacher performance will be followed by the increasing changes in the quality of learning.

c.     Influence Leadership Principal (X1) and the Teacher Performance (X2) Together Against Quality of learning (ICT)
There is a positive and significant impact of school leadership (X1) and the performance of teachers (X2) together to the quality of learning (Y). The results of this study indicate that the better the performance of the principal and teacher performance, the better the contribution to the quality of learning. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0303 + 0 X1, X2 433. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the variable of school leadership (X1) and the variable performance of teachers (X2) with the quality of learning (Y) is measured with an instrument developed in this study, so any change scores of school leadership and teacher performance of one unit can be estimated score of the quality of learning will change for 0000 units of X1 and X2 0 342 units in the same direction. Calculation of correlation between school leadership (X1) and the performance of teachers (X2) with the quality of learning (Y) is classified in the amount of 0433 showed between variables X1 and X2 with Y variables have a meaningful relationship even though the correlation is moderate. The amount of influence school leadership and teacher performance jointly-sam on the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang was 13.4%. The results of this study indicate that the better school leadership will be followed by the increasing changes in the quality of learning. The results of this study indicate that the greater the performance of teachers will be the higher the quality of learning.

Based on the calculation, analysis, and discussion of the issues as presented in previous studies. the authors conclude as follows:
a.     Principal leadership at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang is based on the results showed in the low category. This means that the principal has not shown good leadership optimal.
b.     Performance of teachers SMK Se-Tulang Bawang including low category. This means that the performance of teachers that are low on the capability of planning and preparation for teaching, mastery of the material, control methods and strategies of teaching, assignments to the students, the ability to manage the class and ability to make an assessment and evaluation. Low teacher performance has implications for the quality of learning that ultimately lead to the optimal learning results of students.
b.     3 Quality of learning SMK Se-Tulang Bawang is based on the calculation results in a lower category. This means that the performance of teachers influence on the quality of learning. This proves that one of the dominant factors in the success of the learning process and results is the performance of educators. An educator as a major driving force in the classroom learning process has been demonstrated in implementing and learning and learning outcomes in the classroom.
c.     Leadership principals have a positive influence and significant impact on the quality of learning. The amount of influence school leadership directly to the quality of learning in this study is based on the calculation results in the category of very good potential. A dimension of school leadership that gives a significant influence is the capability and motivation. Principal leadership is measured by the quality of school learning has a significant impact on the level of quality of school learning. This means that the low level of the quality of teaching high school described by school leadership. The amount of the contribution principals that directly contributes to the quality of learning. Thus it is clear that the principal's leadership significantly influences the quality of learning.
d.     Performance of teachers have a positive influence and significant impact on the quality of learning. The amount of influence teacher performance directly to the quality of learning in this study is based on the calculation in the very good category. Dimensions teacher performance which provides a significant influence is the ability to make the planning and preparation for teaching, mastery of the material, control methods and strategies of teaching, assignments to students, classroom management skills, and ability to make an assessment and evaluation. Teacher performance is measured by the quality of learning has a significant impact on the level of the quality of learning. This means that the high and low level of learning quality is explained by the performance of teachers. The amount of teacher performance that directly contributes to the quality of learning is equal. Thus it is clear that the performance of teachers significantly influence the quality of learning.
e.     Simultaneously, school leadership and teacher performance significantly affect the quality of learning. The rest is the influence of the other factors. Thus it is clear that the leadership of the principal and teacher performance significantly affect the quality of learning.
Based on the conclusions can be formulated some of the results of research that is expected to be input for the parties concerned. Formulation of suggestions / recommendations emphasizes this to the principal in leading the school (variable X1) and the performance of teachers (X2). Suggestions / Recommendations are for principals at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang:
a.     Need improvement / development activities that can motivate the Discipline increase teacher work either directly related to the learning or the other that can support the improvement of the quality of learning success.
b.     Need of school leadership to motivate teacher performance is directly related to learning or with others who can support the improvement of the quality of learning.
c.     Need to create a school environment that is open to changes that occur in society. This will encourage the acquisition of knowledge / developing new ideas, which might be expected that a transfer of learning through the implementation of innovative learning in the classroom, which in the end through mutual learning in schools it will affect all the teachers who are members of the school organization.

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[1] Corresponding Author. No Telp: -, E-Mail Address:
[2] Corresponding Co-Author. No Telp: -,  E-Mail Address:

The Leadership and Teacher Performance and Significant Positive Effect on the Quality of Learning in SMK Negeri Se-Kabupaten Tulang Bawang
M. Ihsan Dacholfany*[1], Asroh*[2]



Quality of learning is the result of a teacher's performance, improving the quality of learning is influenced by factors of the performance of teachers and school leadership. The purpose of this study was to analyze: (1) The impact of school leadership on the quality of learning, (2) The influence of the teacher's performance against the quality of learning, and (3) The impact of school leadership and teacher performance against the quality of learning.Population as many as 151 samples used by 60 respondents us take of Slovin. Date collection with questionnaires and using regression as a tool for research. The analysis results obtained in this study as follows: (1) there is a positive and significant impact on the quality of school leadership learning in SMA Se-Tulang Bawang. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + -0.303 X1. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the leadership of the principal on the quality of learning, so any change in the leadership of the principal variable score of 3.4%, (2) There is a positive and significant impact on the quality of the learning performance of teachers in vocational Sekabupaten Bone Onions. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 56.507 + 0.413 X2. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the performance of teachers to the quality of learning, so any changes to teacher performance variable score sebesar12,3%, and 3) There is a positive and significant effect of school leadership and teacher performance together against the quality of learning. Results of this study indicate that the better the performance of the principal and teacher performance, the better the contribution to the quality of learning. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0303 X1 + 0,433 X2. With a significance of 13.4%.Conclusions from this research is the perception of teachers on school leadership and teacher performance and significant positive effect on the quality of learning in SMA Lampung Tengah.

Keywords: Leadership Principal, Teacher Performance, and the Quality of Learning.

National development through education is a way of educating the nation and improves the quality of Indonesian human in realizing advanced society, just and prosperous. The purpose of National Education intends to conduct national education development with the government to make regulations on the institute of National Education Standards as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards is a translation of the Law No. 20 Year 2003 About the National Education System. As stated in the general provisions of Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 Article 1, on National Education Standards are the minimum criteria regarding the educational system throughout the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia? National Education Standards has a function as a basis for planning, implementation and monitoring of education in order to realize the national education quality and qualified.
Process and learning outcomes of students who qualified teachers would require maximum performance. So that teachers can show high performance, not least the teacher must have a mastery of the material what to teach and how to teach so that learning can take place effectively and efficiently as well as a commitment to carry out these tasks. Based on renewal business and improve the quality of learning is getting stronger by using a legal umbrella Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003. Education is an essential need for every human being, country or government during the reform era. As importantly, education must always is grown systematically by policy makers or actors of education.
School principals play an important role in education, in schools given the responsibility to conduct a full management of the arrangement the wheels of school education. The main role of the principal is a leader who controls the nets, provision of education where education itself functions essentially as a transformation that transforms inputs into outputs.
Enhancing the quality of teaching, the school principal should be responsible for the smooth running and the learning process quality. The school principal is one of the most educational component plays a role in improving the quality of education. Various important and strategic efforts are scheduled to optimize the performance of school principals is highly dependent on the willingness and determination principals to make himself as a successful leader with optimal performance. A leader not only managed to reach the tops of the leadership, but also can lead the school community and especially the learners have made achievements beyond himself. Guru is a major factor in the educational process.
Guru is one of the critical components for the implementation of the educational process, where teachers are the main actors as facilitators of student learning process organizer. Therefore, the performance of teachers relates to the national education program. Teachers as a factor determining the quality of learning. Because teachers are dealing directly with the learners in the learning process in the classroom. In the hands of teacher quality of their personality is formed. Therefore, it should be a teacher competent, responsibility, skilled, and dedicated.
Teacher performance while not optimal, teachers perform their duties just as a normal routine, lacking in creativity. Innovation for teachers relatively closed and creativity are not part of the achievement. If there are teachers develop their creativity, the teachers tend to be judged a waste of time. The results of teacher training in the various fields of study have not demonstrated their power is different compared with the performance of teachers. Here are the results mean achievement that can be obtained from the State Vocational High School Se-Tulang Bawang.

Tabel 1 Data Nilai Ujian Nasional Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014  dan  2014/2015
Bhs indonesia
Bhs inggris

Source: Department of Education National Exam Results SMK Se-Tulang Bawang

 The above facts are very alarming, it is the result of the teacher's performance, should the value of which must be achieved by students in achieving the national graduation standard is 5.50, and students of SMK Se-Tulang Bawang, still far from passing standards. Teachers do not contribute to improving the quality of education, are in fact quite the opposite. The above conditions seems to have become a culture and tradition of the environment of educational institutions and does not cover the possibility of the middle school Vocational Paramarta Se-Tulang Bawang, one indication which shows the low quality of teaching is the fact the field is based on the observation of the author on May 5, 2015, Visible of the average value of National Examination which is still far from the National Education Standards.
This study was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach kind of regression, a study to determine the effect of variables that are grouped into two groups: the independent variables and the dependent variable. According Arikunto (2013: 313) regression study is intended to determine whether there is influence between two or more variables. Research for the study will be able to predict the influence of independent variables with the dependent variable.

Many experts have argued about the quality, as the opinion Tjiptono and Diana (2003: 3) states the quality (quality) is the ever-changing conditions, which include efforts to meet / exceed expectations of the customer, including products, services, people, processes and the environment. In the opinion of Good (in Arifin, 2014: 38-39) The basic concept of education that covers the following aspects: 1) the development of skills in the form of a person's attitudes and behavior that apply in the community, and 2) social processes when a person is affected by an environment who guided (school), so that he can achieve social skills and develop personal. The quality of education as one of the pillars of human resources development, a very important meaning for national development. Quality education will only appear if there are quality schools. Therefore, efforts to improve school quality is a strategic point in the effort to create a quality education. In the National Education Minister Regulation No. 63 Year 2009 concerning the quality assurance systems of education Article (1) of paragraph (1), gives the sense that the quality of education is the level of intelligence of the nation's life that can be achieved from the implementation of the National Education System. Based on the description above, we can conclude the concept of the quality of education can be concluded that changing something into something else by integrating the input of the school so as to create a situation fun learning (enjoy-able learning), able to encourage motivation and interest in learning, and really able to empower learners. Output education is a school performance that can be measured by the quality, effectiveness, productivity, efficiency, innovation, and morale.
Many experts have argued about the quality, as the opinion Tjiptono and Diana Based on all the foregoing, it can be concluded the quality of teaching is the ability of educational institutions (teachers and principals) in organizing and managing learning resources efficiently in order to improve the learning ability of students, with the following indicators: 1) the quality of the input active learning, creative, effective and fun, 2) the quality of the learning process, the interaction, creativity, and varied, and 3) quality of academic study, daily activities and independence of learners.
In his opinion Mulyasa (2004: 25) argues "The principal is one component of educational influence in improving teacher performance". The school principal is responsible for the organization of education, school administration, coaching other education personnel, and efficient utilization and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. This becomes more important in line with the increasingly complex demands of the principal task, which requires the support of performance more effective and efficient. Similarly, in the opinion of Wirawan (2014: 549) the principal is a school leader and manager of the school or school administrator (School manager or school administrator), which functions as the principal. So principals full authority to bring the school to be better or it could be otherwise.
In his opinion Mulyasa (2004: 25) argues "The principal is one component of educational influence in improving teacher performance". The school principal is responsible for the organization of education, school administration, coaching other education personnel, and efficient utilization and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. This becomes more important in line with the increasingly complex demands of the principal task, which requires the support of performance more effective and efficient. Similarly, in the opinion of Wirawan (2014: 549) the principal is a school leader and manager of the school or school administrator (School manager or school administrator), which functions as the principal. So principals full authority to bring the school to be better or it could be otherwise.
The kind of leadership in terms of the source and of the characteristic features according to Hasibuan (2012: 170) the kinds of leadership include: 1) an authoritarian leadership, 2) participative leadership, and 3) leadership discretionary. A leader has a style and flair that is different this will provide operational impact on an organization (school). While leaders of functions in the opinion of Mulyasa (2013: 98-122) function principals as leaders are as follows: a) The head of the school as an educator (builder mental, moral, physical, and architects), b) The principal as a manager, c) The head of the school as an administrator, d) principal as supervisor, e) the principal as leader, f) of the principal as an innovator, and g) of the principal as a motivator.
As head of the school will determine whether the poor quality of education that leads, if the principal professional then the quality of teaching will be qualified and vice versa if the competence of lower school head will affect the success in school learning tersebut.Berdasarkan above description it can be concluded that the principal's leadership in this research is a way and business principals in influencing, encouraging, guiding, directing and mengerakan teachers, and staff, students, parents and all other parties concerned to cooperate and participate in order to achieve the goal of education in schools has been established. The indicators to measure the principal's leadership is shown by the compensation owned by the principal, in particular: 1) Having a strong personality 2) understand the condition of men with either 3) has a vision and understand the mission of the school 4) The ability to make decisions, and 5) The ability of the good communication.
Based on the above it can be concluded that the principal's leadership in this research is a way and business principals in influencing, encouraging, guiding, directing and mengerakan teachers, and staff, students, parents and all other parties related to cooperate and participate to achieve the goal of education in schools that have been set. The indicators to measure the principal's leadership is shown by the compensation owned by the principal, in particular: 1) Having a strong personality 2) understand the condition of men with either 3) has a vision and understand the mission of the school 4) The ability to make decisions, and 5) The ability of the good communication.
In the opinion of Supardi (2013: 45) performance is an activity undertaken to implement, complete tasks and responsibilities as expected and intended purpose. Derived from the word has three meanings performance achievements, performances, and execution of tasks. The ability and authority of teachers in carrying out the teaching profession, with all its capabilities, in line with this notion of performance.
In the opinion of the Supreme (2014: 41) the teacher is the designer or the designer of learning associated with pedagogical competencies that should be able to design well. Lesson plan should begin by making sure that a lesson plan suitable for the program or lesson plan that aka implemented.
Teachers are educators menpunyai role as spearhead the transformation of assessing the knowledge and assess the attitude and education goals to pesrta students because teachers directly involved in the learning process or the duties can be said that teachers as a major component in the learning process. Notch teachers occupy vital positions in improving the quality of learning. In this context, the quality of education depends on the quality of teachers, which consequently teachers are required to play an active role in positioning themselves as professionals in accordance with the demands of a growing community.
Law number 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 39 paragraph 2 states that educators are professionals in charge of planning and implementing the learning process, as well as conduct research and dedication to the community, especially for students and colleges. Article 40 paragraph 2 letter b, stated also that educators have an obligation to have a professional commitment to improve the quality of education. Similar to the above, the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, Article 1 states that the teachers are professional educators with the task of educating, teaching, membibing, direct, train, assess and evaluate students on age children early in formal education, primary and secondary education. In the opinion of Sanjaya (2006: 21-32) the role of teachers in learning include: a) as a source of learning, b) as a facilitator, c) as a manager, d) as a demonstrator, e) as a guide, f) as a motivator, and g) as an evaluator and penetu success of learners.
So important is the role of the teacher in the learning, which facilitate human technological prowess to get information and knowledge can not replace the role of the teacher. From the above description, the teacher's shoulders lies the responsibility is very complex. it can be seen from the function and role of the teacher as a facilitator and director of the study. As a facilitator, a teacher must be able to facilitate the learning needs of students with and interest. Meanwhile, as the director of learning, the teacher serves to direct the learning activities of students towards the achievement of learning goals that have been set
Based on some of the theories above it can be concluded that the performance of teachers is the ability and authority of teachers in carrying out the teaching profession, with all its capabilities, the following indicators: 1) create a learning plan, 2) implementing the learning, 3) assess learners' achievements, and 4) carry out follow-up results of learning achievement.

3.     STUDY
a.     Influence Leadership Principal (X1) on the Quality of Learning (ICT)
There is a positive and significant impact of school leadership (X1) on the quality of learning in high school Paramarta Se-Tulang Bawang (Y). This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0.303 X1. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the leadership of the principal (X1) with the quality of learning (Y) is measured with an instrument developed in this study, so any change variable score principal leadership of the unit can be estimated score of the quality of teaching will change by 0181 units in the same direction. From the calculation of the correlation between the variables of school leadership (X1) with the quality of learning (Y) is quite good that is equal to 0.284. This shows the variables X1 and Y have a meaningful relationship. Empirically, the results of research inform that principal leadership that reflected a significant and positive effect on the quality of learning. Leadership of the principal amount of influence on the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang, amounted to 3.4%. The results of this study indicate that the better school leadership will be followed by the increasing changes in the quality of learning.

b.     Influence of Teacher Performance (X2) Against Against Quality of Learning (ICT)
There is a positive and significant impact the performance of teachers (X2) on the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang (Y). This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 56.507 + 0.413 X2. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the performance of teachers (X1) with the quality of learning (Y) is measured with an instrument developed in this study, so any change variable score teacher performance of the unit can be estimated score of the quality of teaching will be unchanged at 2,621 units in the direction the same one. Calculation of correlation between teacher performance variable (X2) with the quality of learning (Y) relatively low at 0.325, shows the variables X1 and Y have a meaningful relationship. Empirically, the results of research inform that teacher performance reflected significant influence and positive impact on the quality of learning. The amount of influence the performance of teachers to the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang, was 12.3%. The results of this study indicate that the better teacher performance will be followed by the increasing changes in the quality of learning.

c.     Influence Leadership Principal (X1) and the Teacher Performance (X2) Together Against Quality of learning (ICT)
There is a positive and significant impact of school leadership (X1) and the performance of teachers (X2) together to the quality of learning (Y). The results of this study indicate that the better the performance of the principal and teacher performance, the better the contribution to the quality of learning. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0303 + 0 X1, X2 433. With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the variable of school leadership (X1) and the variable performance of teachers (X2) with the quality of learning (Y) is measured with an instrument developed in this study, so any change scores of school leadership and teacher performance of one unit can be estimated score of the quality of learning will change for 0000 units of X1 and X2 0 342 units in the same direction. Calculation of correlation between school leadership (X1) and the performance of teachers (X2) with the quality of learning (Y) is classified in the amount of 0433 showed between variables X1 and X2 with Y variables have a meaningful relationship even though the correlation is moderate. The amount of influence school leadership and teacher performance jointly-sam on the quality of learning at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang was 13.4%. The results of this study indicate that the better school leadership will be followed by the increasing changes in the quality of learning. The results of this study indicate that the greater the performance of teachers will be the higher the quality of learning.

Based on the calculation, analysis, and discussion of the issues as presented in previous studies. the authors conclude as follows:
a.     Principal leadership at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang is based on the results showed in the low category. This means that the principal has not shown good leadership optimal.
b.     Performance of teachers SMK Se-Tulang Bawang including low category. This means that the performance of teachers that are low on the capability of planning and preparation for teaching, mastery of the material, control methods and strategies of teaching, assignments to the students, the ability to manage the class and ability to make an assessment and evaluation. Low teacher performance has implications for the quality of learning that ultimately lead to the optimal learning results of students.
b.     3 Quality of learning SMK Se-Tulang Bawang is based on the calculation results in a lower category. This means that the performance of teachers influence on the quality of learning. This proves that one of the dominant factors in the success of the learning process and results is the performance of educators. An educator as a major driving force in the classroom learning process has been demonstrated in implementing and learning and learning outcomes in the classroom.
c.     Leadership principals have a positive influence and significant impact on the quality of learning. The amount of influence school leadership directly to the quality of learning in this study is based on the calculation results in the category of very good potential. A dimension of school leadership that gives a significant influence is the capability and motivation. Principal leadership is measured by the quality of school learning has a significant impact on the level of quality of school learning. This means that the low level of the quality of teaching high school described by school leadership. The amount of the contribution principals that directly contributes to the quality of learning. Thus it is clear that the principal's leadership significantly influences the quality of learning.
d.     Performance of teachers have a positive influence and significant impact on the quality of learning. The amount of influence teacher performance directly to the quality of learning in this study is based on the calculation in the very good category. Dimensions teacher performance which provides a significant influence is the ability to make the planning and preparation for teaching, mastery of the material, control methods and strategies of teaching, assignments to students, classroom management skills, and ability to make an assessment and evaluation. Teacher performance is measured by the quality of learning has a significant impact on the level of the quality of learning. This means that the high and low level of learning quality is explained by the performance of teachers. The amount of teacher performance that directly contributes to the quality of learning is equal. Thus it is clear that the performance of teachers significantly influence the quality of learning.
e.     Simultaneously, school leadership and teacher performance significantly affect the quality of learning. The rest is the influence of the other factors. Thus it is clear that the leadership of the principal and teacher performance significantly affect the quality of learning.
Based on the conclusions can be formulated some of the results of research that is expected to be input for the parties concerned. Formulation of suggestions / recommendations emphasizes this to the principal in leading the school (variable X1) and the performance of teachers (X2). Suggestions / Recommendations are for principals at SMK Se-Tulang Bawang:
a.     Need improvement / development activities that can motivate the Discipline increase teacher work either directly related to the learning or the other that can support the improvement of the quality of learning success.
b.     Need of school leadership to motivate teacher performance is directly related to learning or with others who can support the improvement of the quality of learning.
c.     Need to create a school environment that is open to changes that occur in society. This will encourage the acquisition of knowledge / developing new ideas, which might be expected that a transfer of learning through the implementation of innovative learning in the classroom, which in the end through mutual learning in schools it will affect all the teachers who are members of the school organization.

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