Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Philosophical Concept of Islamic Studies for Teens

ISBN 978-602-74135-3-5

M. Ihsan Dacholfani*[1], Muhamad Dini Handoko*[2]


The research does in some adolescents in Metro City. Consisting of ten RISMA as respondents. Qualitative this research is descriptive in the form of case studies. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The author uses the test documentation and interviews as methods of data collection and data analysis using the Miles and Huberman models. The research methodology using the paradigm of qualitative research literature, the design also uses design library research (library research). The process of accumulation of data is done by the use of content analysis (content analysis) for further once collected approached critically with hermeneutic and descriptive methods. The conclusion of this study is: Muslim personality was also formed through a process of education which is implemented in schools or non-formal institutions such as RISMA. The characteristics of someone who has a personality that is faithful Muslim or has faith in Allah, always adhering to the virtues and religious orders of Islam and turn away from evil, morality and sociality high and responsible. Muslim personality as a whole can be defined as the overall mental and moral attitude of a child who develops as a result of their interactions with others. Muslim personality was also shaped by innate factors, the environment, either religious environment, family environment, natural environment, social environment, and also from the school environment.

Keywords: Philosophical Concept, Islamic Studies, Teens

Teenagers are the future generation who has the potential vitality. Teenagers are young people who will hold the baton to enforce and coloring ideals of the nation and religion in the future. In the search for identity, teenagers often feel upheaval, both with yourself and those around circumstance, adolescence a time of difficulty sometimes made her want to be the person who was given the freedom of an adult, but one side of the teenagers still want to be treated like children children, he has not dared to bear all of the problems that happen to him like an adult in general.
Nowadays we find behaviors of adolescents who did not conform with the principles and teachings of Islam, for example, a lot of teens who often drinking, drugs, crime and the most severe longer is involved in a crime or free sex, which is where the behavior or this act is extremely damaging behavior of teenagers today. If we see a phenomenon that now there will arise the question is how the concept of Islamic education in fostering adolescent personality, what has been in accordance with the values ​​contained in the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah and why the personality of today's youth, why a lot of behavior -prilaku incompatible with the concept of Islamic education.
Islamic education means an education system that can give a person's ability to lead their life in accordance with the ideals and values ​​of Islam that has colored shades of his personality. Therefore, Islamic education are the subjects Aqeedah of Islam and the teachings of Islam that is easily understood and implemented. And it is quite clear what is at argued above that Islamic education is the formation of individual Muslim, Islamic education is one way to shape a child into a man whose piety and proper morality. So the purpose of the is aware of education in guiding teens to understand of appreciate and practice the commendable behavior in their daily lives. And remember it is very important Islamic education it should be taken on an ongoing basis in accordance with the ability of these teenagers, so the predicate taqwa will be ingrained in teenagers.
Talking about education cannot be separated from the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith. As the hadith below:

. ُلُّ مَوْلُوْدٍ يُوْلَدُ عَلَى ْالفِطْرَةِ, وَإِنَّمَا أَبَوَاهُ يُهَوَّدَانِهِ َاوْ يُنَصِّرَانِهِ َاوْيُمَجِسَانِهِ( رواه مسلم)

Meaning: "Every child is born in a state of nature and his parents will make it Jewish, Christian, or Zoroastrian. (HR. Muslim). [1]

From the Hadith above explained that the child was going to be anything it depends also on the juvenile's parents, because the parents who will determine the child became something to be desired. The family or the parents are not in harmony then it will greatly affect the teen psyche, and its impact would be seriously for teenagers who start growing, because if he sees a lot of violence in the family then he will imitate or do that. In addition to family, neighborhood or community may also be a cause for the outbreak of juvenile delinquency, particularly communities that lack to implement the teachings of their religion. In the religious teachings are many things that can help the development of children in general and youth in particular. But follow-action community as members of society are sometimes contrary to the norms of religion in their daily lives, then people who are less religious are a source of crime such as violence, extortion, robbery and so on. Such behavior would easily affect teenagers who are in development.
Based on the description of the background of the problem, the authors will focus on research that is how the personality of young people in the Islamic educational perspective. In connection with the extent of the problem, then it should have been the authors conducted limitations problem as follows: Personality adolescents in Islamic education and coaching personalities referred to in this research is personality development for young people in the Islamic perspective.
Based on the background of the research problem, the focus of this research is "How can a philosophical review of Islamic education to young people in Metro City?” The purpose of this research was to determine how the philosophical review of Islamic education to young people in Metro City. The results of this study are expected to provide benefits both theoretically and practically, which is as follows: In theoritecally results of this research may contribute to the development of Islamic education, especially science education; In practical terms the results of this research may provide insight to policy makers in education, students, and youth on the importance of Islamic education for the development of scientific studies in Indonesia.

2.1 Personality of Teens
2.1.1 Definition of Personality
Personality according to the Dictionary of the Indonesian is "intrinsic nature which is reflected in the attitude of a person or a nation that sets it apart from other people or other nations." [2] Personality is the nature or character of every person and the character too, which will be owned by teenagers, and therefore how can direct how the adolescent personality in order not to adolescent one step that will greatly affect the personality of the juvenile is a person who their beside and around the teens themselves as parents, friends, school, and neighborhood.
Dictionary of English personality called "Personality".[3] Which comes from the Latin personal meaning guise or "mask". [4] Namely the front cover and is often used by players stage meant to describe the behavior, character or one's personal.
Sigmund Freud was the one who discovered the theory of psychoanalysis while according to Freud "personality is the integration of the id, ego, and super ego" three systems are seen as elements separate, but a name for a variety of psychological processes that have system principles different. These three systems work together as a team which is governed by ego and is driven by libido. Therefore, the essence of personality is the integration, several specific personality system. "Id" a biological component of personality, "ego" as a component of psychological personality and "super ego" as a sociological component.
Personality is a psychophysical system that determines the behavior and thoughts of individuals are typical for his personality is something unique and characteristic peculiarities of personality as a person. Because here's personality is very important or necessary in this case to educators as educators must have or understand the personality of a person because it would help deliver the potential of students become a better person and perfect.
The various opinions on the above, it is understood that the definition of personality is a human nature either physical or psychological, that distinguish between one human and the other human beings, which is formed as a result of interaction with the environment, or lifestyle actions that exist within oneself be it mental activities as well as the philosophy of life and belief showed devotion to Allah SWT and can distinguish between himself and others.

2.1.2 Factors Affecting Personality
Personality was developed and experienced changes in its development but it then forming patterns that remain unique, so are the traits that are unique to each individual, the factors that affect the personality according to M. Ngalim Purwanto can be divided as follows: (a ) Biological factors (b) Social factors and (c) factors Culture. [5] On the other hands according H.Syamsu LN Yusuf. In the mentioned factors affecting personality is: (a) Physical, (b) Intelligence, (c) Family, (d) Peer, (e) of Culture.

2.1.3 Teen and Development Definition of Teen
Teens are a period where some experts are defined as a transition children but not the adult child. Zakia Daradjat members sense that "adolescence is a period of transition between childhood to adults, where children experiencing rapid growth in all areas. They are no longer children, well-shaped body, attitude, way of thinking and acting, not the adults who have matured; this period began approximately at the age of 13 years and last approximately from 21 years ". Meanwhile Hunlock give the age range of adolescents in their teens at the age of 13-21 were Zakia Daradjat found as adolescence or in a transitional period at the start approximately at the age of 13 years and ended approximately 21 years of age. Characteristics of Teen
Generally adolescence is divided into three parts, as follows: Early adolescence (12-15): At this time people began to abandon the role of children and trying to develop they as a unique individual and not dependent on parents, the focus of this stage is the acceptance of the form of physical conditions and their strong conformity with peers; Middle adolescence (15-18): This period is characterized by its development capability of thinking. Peer still has an important role, but the individual was more self-directed (self-directed). At this time began to develop maturity adolescent behavior, learn to control impulsivity, and make decisions relating to the initial vocational objectives to be achieved. Besides the reception of the opposite sex to be important for the individual; Late Adolescence (19-22): Adolescence is marked by the final preparations for entering the adult roles. During this period adolescents are trying to consolidate and develop the vocational objectives sense of personal identity. A strong desire to be mature and be accepted in a group of peers and adults is also a characteristic of this stage. [7] Needs of Adolescents
In a book entitled Sofyan S.Willis teenagers and the problems here explained that there are three needs of adolescents, namely:
Biological needs, often also said to need "psychological drive" or "biological motivation", understanding the needs or motives is every reason that encourage the creatures to behave achieve something desirable or in the heading (goal). Biological needs (biological motif) motif is derived from the biological drives. This motif has been taken since birth, so learned, can be said that the motive of this biological instinctive (instinctive). Motif biology is equally shared by all creatures of God such as hunger, thirst, breathing, drowsiness, sex drive. Motif biology is universal, meaning that possessed by humans and animals. And for the more obvious biological motif is divided into 2 parts: Motif to eat, drink, breathes and rest and sex drive (sex motif). The damaging irregularities occurring teens, the necessary sex education (sex education) a systematic and focused and age-appropriate materials development.
Psychological needs is all psychological impulse that causes people to act to achieve its objectives, this individual needs, including psychological needs: the religious needs and security needs.
Social needs are needs that relate to others or inflicted by other people / things outside themselves. This needs a lot of among other things: the need to be known; needs groups; habit (habits); adjustment in the family; adjustment in school; adaption of themselves in society. [8]
 According to Mohammad Ali and Mohammad Asrori explained that there are a number of major needs teens is important to be met, namely: the need for love; the need for participation and accepted within the group; the need for stand-alone; need for achievement; the need for recognition from others; needs to be appreciated; and the need to obtain a whole philosophy of life.

2.2 Islamic Education
2.2.1 Definition of Islamic Education
To get a clear understanding of Islamic education is first necessary to understand the sense of general education. According to Arief Armei "Education is a conscious effort and clearly has a purpose, which is expected in practice he does not lose direction and footing". While education by Marimba is guidance or leadership consciously by educators against the physical and spiritual growth of the students towards the establishment of a major personality. [9]
From the opinions of experts education above, it can be an understanding that education is a process of value investment deliberate and conscious to help the students in order to develop (mature) physical, and moral sense. So as to achieve its purpose as a human quality, both as individuals and in community life.
Then, according to the law No. 20 In 2003, the education system of the National Chapter II, Article 3, which reads: National Education serves to develop the ability and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop students' potentials to become a man of faith and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. [10]
Thus it is clear that education is carried out by the organization of institutions should be able to develop all fields, both intellectual and spiritual (religious intelligence). Because education is an integral part of life and the life of mankind and is a never-ending process to obtain it.
In the context of Islam, the term education is more widely known by using: Al-Ta'lim, Al-Tarbiyah and Al-Ta'dib. The word Al-Ta'lim a masdar of the word, which means teaching that, is the provision or delivery of knowledge, understanding and skills. [11] The word Al-Tarbiyah is masdar of rabba word that means caring for, educating and nurturing. While the word Al-Tadib is masdar of addaba word, which means the process of educating that is more focused on the development and refinement of morals or manners of learners, the orientation of the Koran says. Al-Ta'dib focused on the efforts to establish the individual Muslim morality.
Based on some of the term (Al-Ta'lim, Al-Tarbiyah and Al-ta'dib) experts tried definition of Islamic Education Islamic Education as follows:
M. Arifin said that the Islamic Education is "Enterprises adults pious Muslims who consciously direct and guide the growth and development of the fitrah (basic proficiency) students through the rules of Islam toward the point of maximum growth and development [12].”
The foregoing convey the same disclosed by Bukhari Umar that "Islamic Education is a process of transformation and internalization of knowledge and values to the students themselves through the growth and development of the potential of nature to achieve harmony and perfection of life in all its aspects [13]." While Zakiah Daradjat defines that: "Education is the establishment of Islam that Muslim personality [14]."
From some sense, it can be taken notion that Islamic education is an educator efforts to shape the character of students to conform to the Quran and Sunnah (in accordance with the teachings of Islam).

2.2.2 Basic of Islamic Education
Each activity is intended to achieve the objectives to be achieved must have a foundation or basis for a strong foothold. The objectives can be achieved with good, and then we need a guideline that can be used to prosecute on its accomplishment. Within a basic set of human activities are always guided by the views of life and the basic laws which it adheres. If the view of life and the basic laws adopted different humans, it is different also the basis and purpose of the activity.
Basic is the foundation for the establishment of something. The basic function is to provide direction to the objectives to be achieved and at the same time as the foundation for the establishment of something. Each state has its own basic education. It is a reflection of the philosophy of life of a nation. Based on the basic education of a nation that is prepared. And therefore the education systems of each nation is different because they have a different philosophy of life. [15]
Likewise in the activities of Islamic Education, Islamic Education to achieve the purpose, shall be guided by or based on a solid footing and strong so that the goal can be achieved with the maximum.
Basic Islamic Education was another case on the basis of Islam is the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijtihad. As has been stated several experts including:
Every business, activities and deliberate action to achieve a goal must have a foundation footing good and strong. Therefore, Islamic education as a form of human effort, must have a foundation to which all activities and all the formulation of educational goals of Islam is connected. The cornerstone was composed of Al-Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad that can be developed with ijtihad, al maslahah al mursalah, istihsan, qiyas and so forth. [16]  Meanwhile, according to Ramayulis slightly different from the views expressed by Zakiyah Darajad, he argued that the Basic Education Islam can be divided into three categories: (1) Basic Principles, (2) Basic Supplement, and (3) Basic Operations. Fundamental basis consisting of: Al-Qur'an and Sunnah.
The two opinions mentioned above, it can be a statement that the basic Islamic education was essentially based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijtihad. As for the other basics that can be used when there is a basic conflict with the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijthad.

2.2.3 The Aim of Islamic Education
Islamic education objectives to be achieved by a person or group of persons who perform an activity. Because the goal of Islamic education is an arrangement that will be achieved by a person or group doing Islamic education. According to Al-Abrasyi, Islamic education objectives are: To organize the formation of a noble character to the Muslims of the past and present; Preparation for the life of the world and the hereafter; Preparations to seek good luck and maintain in terms of benefits or more powerful by the name professionalism; Cultivating scientific spirit to the students and formulate the want to know and allows him to examine the science itself; Preparing students in terms of professionals in order to master certain professions in order to seek good luck in life in addition to maintaining the spiritual aspect. [17]
According to An-Nahlawi Abdurahman Islamic educational goals there are 4: education intellect and prepare the mind, God gave reflected on the heavens and the earth to be faithful; Cultivate the potential and talents of origin of the child; Paying attention to the strength and potential of young people and educate them as good men and women; Strive to develop all the potential and human talent. [18]
Abdurrahman Saleh Abdullah said in his book "Educational Theory a Quarians Outlook" that Islamic education seeks to shape the personality as the Caliph of Allah or at least prepare the beaten path refers to the final destination, the main purpose of the caliph of God is to believe in Allah and the subject and obedient in total to her. [19] More details Fadlil Al-Jamaly, formulate the goals of Islamic education in more detail as follows: Knowing people will role of amongst (creature) and his individual responsibility in this life; Introduce human social interaction and responsibility in the governance of social life; Introduce human and teach them to know the wisdom of creation as well as giving them the possibility to take advantage of such nature; Introduce human of this universe (God) commanded to worship him. [20]

This type of research is the research library (library research) is research to description is a qualitative research, "qualitative research is: a study seeking to express a holistic phenomenon by describing through non numbering language in context and paradigms" [21]. So in this study the authors tried to reveal the phenomenon through data provided in the form of language and words and actions contained in the books in the library.

3.1 Data Source
The source of data used by the writer is twofold: Primary Sources; and Secondary Sources.

3.2 Technique of Analysing Data
The process of accumulation of data is done by the use of content analysis (content analysis) for further once collected approached critically with hermeneutic and descriptive methods. It is hoped the data collected can be reduced and be carefully interpreted in making conclusions are not merely descriptive, but are also presented in a critical format. The hermeneutic method used in interpreting the data collected is philosophical hermeneutics [22] i.e. a process of interpretation that seeks to produce a new meaning and is not to reproduce the initial meaning. As revealed by Mukhtar Hadi according to one of the crucial offered by hermeneutic method is that the interpretation or the interpretation of the text does not merely reproduce the meaning but also produce new meanings in the face of community dynamics. Fawaizul Umam interpret as an attempt hermeneutic process of interpretation that does not mean taking the original meaning that laid the author (the author) into the text (the text) made, but featuring a new meaning corresponding to the current condition interpreter (the reader). [23]
Based on the descriptions that have been the writer suggested in previous chapters then one can draw a conclusion as follows: Islamic Education is one concept of the formation of one's personal teenagers are private moslem people who is able to interact with the community with the norms and values to Moslem. Islamic education is also a determinant of how nature and human behavior and how to interact with the surrounding environment. And in order to have a strong faith in Allah, in order to avoid negative actions. To always execute the command and away from the prohibition of Allah and to become a teenager who was good morals; Muslim personality also formed through a process of education which is implemented in schools. The process is the implementation of the curriculum, the use of the right strategy, and the presence of a teacher who always make himself as role models for their students; The characteristics of someone who has a personality that is faithful Muslim or have faith in Allah, always adhering to the virtues and religious orders of Islam and turn away from evil, morality and sociality high and responsible; Muslim personality as a whole can be defined as the overall mental and moral attitude of a child who develops as a result of interactions with others; and Personality Muslims are also formed by factors of nature, the environment, either religious environment, family environment, natural environment, social environment, and also from the school environment.
Because of the importance of parents' role in shaping the personality or fostering a teenager so have Muslim personality, the authors say a few suggestions through this thesis is as follows:
a.     In order to obtain a perfect private, then form a Muslim personality that early on is to introduce God to him.
b.     To parents to always keep their students to have a perfect private, by giving a good example. Do not become educators who provide advice but do not execute
c.     Maintain individual Muslim who had been possessed by ma'ruf and forbidding the evil is also always respect the higher and lower appreciate.

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[2]    Departemen  Pendidikan Nasional.Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi 3. Jakarta  Balai Pustaka,2005 hal 895.
[3]    Jonh M. Echols dan Hasan Sadily. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Gramedia, Jakarta, 2004, h.426
[4]    Agus Sujanto, Psikologi Kepribadian. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2006, h.10
[5]    M  Ngalim Purwanto, Psikologi Pendidikan, Remaja Karya, Bandung, cet-4, 1988,h.163
[6]    Syamsu   Yusuf  LN, Psikologi Perkembangan Anak Dan Remaja. PT Remaja Rosada Karya cet,V, Bandung, 2004, h.128
[7]    Hendria Agustin, Psikologi Perkembangan , PT Rafika Aditama,Bandung, 2006, hal.29
[8]    Sofyan S. Willis, Remaja Dan Permasalahanya, Alfabet.2008 hal 44
[9]    Ahmad Tafsir, Ilmu Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam, (Bandung : Rosdakarya, 1991), h. 24.
[10] UU Sisdiknas 2003, Cet. Ke-IV, (Jakarta : Sinar Grafika, 2007), h. 5-6.
[11] Syamsul Nizar, Pengantar Dasar-dasar Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Gaya Media Pustaka, 2001), h. 86.
[12] M. Arifin, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis dan Praktis Berdasarkan Pendidikan Interdisipliner, (Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 1991), h. 32.
[13] Bukhari Umar, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Hamzah, 2010), h. 29.
[14] Zakiah Daradjat, dkk, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara, 2008), h. 28.
[15] Ramayulis, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Kalam Mulia, 2010), h. 121
[16] Zakiah Daradjat, dkk, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, op.cit, h. 19.
[17]  Athiyah Al-Abrasyi, Dasar-dasar Pokok Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Bulan Bintang, 1984), h. 1-11.
[18] Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi, Prinsip-prinsip dan Metode Pendidikan, (Bandung : Diponegoro, 1989), h. 29.
[19] Armei Arief, Op.Cit, h. 40.
[20] Abdul Hakim Soebahar, wawasan Baru Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Kalam Mulia, 2002, h. 19-20
[21] Tim Penyusun, Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiyah (Edisi Revisi), STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro, Metro, 2010, h.20
[22] Mukhtar Hadi, Hermeneutika dalam Studi Hukum Islam, Dalam  ISTINBATH: Jurnal Hukum STAIN  Jurai Siwo Metro Vol.6, No. 2 November 2009 h. 3
[23] Fawaizul Umam, Paradigma Teologi Pembebasan: Suatu Upaya Reformulasi Teologi Islam, Antologi Tesis, tp., ttp., tt. h. 9

[1] Corresponding Author. No Telp: -, E-Mail Address:
[2] Corresponding Co-Author. No Telp: -,  E-Mail Address:

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